Sunday, September 11, 2005

Reasons Why Being a Dad is so Cool #1

You get to experience someone from the day they are born.

(This might wig some of you out, and I don't blame you)

I actually got to help in the 'birthing process' on Tuesday afternoon. It wasn't planned; I didn't expect it; and if I would have had time to think about it, I probably would have declined. Yet, when it came time to "push" - there was only a nurse, my wife and me in the labor/delivery room.

The nurse (Rhoda!) looked across the bed and said - "Grab a leg". Whoa Nelly! What an amazing thing. I was so inexperienced, after several pushes, my wife was diagonal in the bed. Rhoda says - "You need to secure her leg more, and push back when she pushes - so she will continue to be in the center of the bed!"

Then when the Doctor and the full team arrived, I stepped away from the bed, and our Doctor says, "get back in place!" I just figured they should let a professional handle the counting and the leg holding - not a mere rookie! (now looking back, I think I should get a discount from the hospital, because it technically took one 'less' person for them in this delivery!)

I won't go into gory details for the faint of heart. Yet, I do want to say how amazing the human body is to withstand so much and be able to do what it does to pass on new life (my wife is truly amazong, adn I love her so much!!!!). And, what an amazing God we have, that created us to reproduce the way we do. How could anyone 1.) not believe in God after that, and 2.) not want to pass on to others (Especially a child) the wonder and awesome-ness of God after witnessing the beginnings of life.

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