Friday, October 07, 2005


Cool post on Fast Company’s blog a couple days back that I just found about finding your vision, your passion.

It suggests an exercise to help find what is whispering to you – from a Christian perspective – what is the still small voice of God saying to you?

1. What whisper do you hear?

2. Put it on paper - I recommend doing this even if you think you know it already - it forces you to articulate it more clearly.

3. Recognize that this is your sweet spot - the place where you'll find more creativity and success than anywhere else.

4. When the time is right, follow it. Slowly at first if you have to.

5. Revisit this whisper at least once a year as it can change and grow as you begin to listen to it.

Question: How have you woven your whisper into your life?

Gonna think about it, and write it out - maybe even here on the good ol' blog!

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