Monday, August 29, 2005

From Leadership Journal

I read an article from Leadership magazine and a quote that I really like stands out to me...Donald Miller was talking about setting up a confessional on a college campus, but instead of having the students come in and confess, he and his friends would man the booth and confess the sins of the church, people of God, they personally.

The point was that confession is the opposite of being defensive, and we need to be more confessing instead of defensive as followers of Christ. The Cool Quote was this - about love:

" Loving selectively is worldly; giving it freely is miraculous."

I just thought that was a great quote and it truly is miraculous when love is given freely., How easy it is to hold love back when someone or something does not gel with our way of thinking. How radical and counterculture it would be if we truly loved, truly gave away and didn't hold it back because someone may have a different opinion on something (a cause, or mission) we hold near and dear to our hearts. The thing is, we are all different, and have been called to many different things.

Can I truly confront in love and not be condemning? Can I truly love freely, not selectively? I would like to work on that.

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