Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dad Decisions

I had to make a Dad Decision that really rocked me last week. My wife developed Gestational Diabetes - like many women - during this pregnancy. Her body isn't breaking down her sugar like it should. So Friday we were at the Doctor's office and we had to make the decision between a new 'glucose pill' treatment (actually it's been around a while, but just recetnly begun use on Mother's during pregnancy), or the insulin that has been around and everyone knows.

Needless to say, we had little clue about either, actually. But we had to make the best decision we could. And I thought to myself...

"Holy Crap - I am going to have to make decisons like this that could alter ANOTHER life for the rest of MY life!"

I felt like Calling Mom and Dad and saying - thank you for all the decisions you made. You did well!!!

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