Wednesday, April 05, 2006


A fast moving storm blew thru our city on Sunday afternoon. Straightline winds knocked down one of the trees that line our back yard. That would have been fine and dandy, if our cars had not been under the tree. Go Figure.

Our next door neighbor offered to grab his chainsaw and cut the tree off our cars. We weren't sure if we needed to leave them there for the insurace guy to see or not. Yet, they still needed to cut some limbs off, because they woudn't be albe to get into their driveway if we just left it there. He started cutting, and we started dragging some limbs.

Out of no where, (well, I am sure they came from somewhere) these two folks from down the road - not anyone we had had a conversation with, showed up and just started helping to move the limbs out of the way. We didn't cut the whole tree apart, just enough to get thru to the neighbors drive.

They were walking the neighborhood after the storm, and were glad to help.

Then they just walked on.

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