Wednesday, April 04, 2007

poems from a while back

let us run together rampant
over streams fields and shores
let us take the tops of mountains
by love not by force

show the power together in love
a force to be reckoned
together we will stand
for days, years, hours on end

from 021307

Remember Rain?

rumble grey cotton rolls in to
swallow the misty blue late afternoon
the air turns steely green with
scent of damp and blanket of wet

course hairs take a stand in
the nostril. the smell, the feel.
God rolls in the rain; remember
racing thru dew
drop plop plop

as a silly munchkin child drip
drop, hit a sloppy puddle.
clumsy spin ,
look heaven-ward

catch a glistening sparkle
in the palm

from 031607

copyright stu gray 2007