Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Pregnancy Fatigue

We’re getting to the point where we would just like our baby to get here! I guess God gets people (mainly women) to the point where “we don’t care what the pain is going to be, just get here!” It’s funny though – I have those feelings in a way as well. Mine are more planning thoughts, like:
  • Are we going to be able to continue all the events and activities that we currently do?

  • Will we be able to resume life after birth?

  • Will we have a pleasant baby – or a crying baby all the time?

  • Will we be able to have a routine and function well as a family?

  • What will life look like after the birth of my kid?

  • What types of issues are we going to deal with after he gets here?

  • Where has my mind gone? I feel like I am not functioning at work, or church or home at 100%

So, needless to say – I too am ready for the new blessing to the household, so I can stop my weird questioning thoughts, and just get on with life with new child – as exciting and scary as that will be.

We continue to pray for our friends and former neighbors who were hit by Katrina. The water keeps rising in New Orleans. Scary stuff.

Monday, August 29, 2005

From Leadership Journal

I read an article from Leadership magazine and a quote that I really like stands out to me...Donald Miller was talking about setting up a confessional on a college campus, but instead of having the students come in and confess, he and his friends would man the booth and confess the sins of the church, people of God, they personally.

The point was that confession is the opposite of being defensive, and we need to be more confessing instead of defensive as followers of Christ. The Cool Quote was this - about love:

" Loving selectively is worldly; giving it freely is miraculous."

I just thought that was a great quote and it truly is miraculous when love is given freely., How easy it is to hold love back when someone or something does not gel with our way of thinking. How radical and counterculture it would be if we truly loved, truly gave away and didn't hold it back because someone may have a different opinion on something (a cause, or mission) we hold near and dear to our hearts. The thing is, we are all different, and have been called to many different things.

Can I truly confront in love and not be condemning? Can I truly love freely, not selectively? I would like to work on that.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


God has really been dealing with me about being a ‘unique’ ‘singular’ person, created in his image and not like anyone else…its cool to see a couple blogs about it this week – Gods reading my mail!!! Check out Perry Noble’s Thoughts on the issue, also Mark Batterson had some thoughts in a different direction on our unique Signature.

Also, doing some major praying for all our friends in New Orleans who are evacuating or staying there during Hurricane Katrina…I used to work in the building right across from the Superdome at B97, and I am trying to imagine all the folks who are being herded in there because they can’t evacuate the area. Scary and intense to watch and wait. We pray for the best for the city!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Preaching on the big Screen

Mark Batterson from National Community Church had this on a blog post a couple days ago…

Who said you have to preach from behind a pulpit? Jesus did most of his preaching at the beach or on the mountain! We are currently experimenting with "offsite preaching" that is shot "on location" and pre-produced as a short film. Why not? Especially if your church meets in a movie theater! Our theater screens double as postmodern stained glass. They enable us to communicate truth in moving pictures.

How sweet would that be? A cool thought, and very true of our culture today, every thing is so visual – I love NOOMA that Rob Bell and his team put together. I think it’s a great way to relate truth, and keep people interested in the big message of God without being irrelevant. Mark Batterson continues and says “irrelevance is irreverence”. Great post – and Amen Bro!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Keepin it real

Perry Noble had a great post on ‘Keeping it Real’

“The way I see it--it is our job to point people to Jesus, not ourselves.”

His point is that he needs to be, and should be, transparent when leading his congregation. Cool thoughts, and great post.

Blogger for Word

Got the new Blogger for Word attachment – Very cool! I can open up Word and type in blogs now at my convenience!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dad Decisions

I had to make a Dad Decision that really rocked me last week. My wife developed Gestational Diabetes - like many women - during this pregnancy. Her body isn't breaking down her sugar like it should. So Friday we were at the Doctor's office and we had to make the decision between a new 'glucose pill' treatment (actually it's been around a while, but just recetnly begun use on Mother's during pregnancy), or the insulin that has been around and everyone knows.

Needless to say, we had little clue about either, actually. But we had to make the best decision we could. And I thought to myself...

"Holy Crap - I am going to have to make decisons like this that could alter ANOTHER life for the rest of MY life!"

I felt like Calling Mom and Dad and saying - thank you for all the decisions you made. You did well!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What Napoleon Character r U?

You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am Napoleon! I didn't expect that!!!